Migrate Mongock from version 4 to version 5

# Introduction

Although the migration from version 4 to version 5 is trivial, we want to make you are fully supported.

# Pom changes


# Mongock packages

Module Version 4 Version 5
Spring runner com.github.cloudyrock.spring.v5 io.mongock.runner.springboot
Spring runner com.github.cloudyrock.spring.util.events io.mongock.runner.spring.base.events
Standalone runner com.github.cloudyrock.standalone io.mongock.runner.standalone
MongoDB V3 driver com.github.cloudyrock.mongock.driver.mongodb.v3 io.mongock.driver.mongodb.v3
MongoDB Sybc4 driver com.github.cloudyrock.mongock.driver.mongodb.sync.v4 io.mongock.driver.mongodb.sync.v4
SpringData V2 driver com.github.cloudyrock.mongock.driver.mongodb.springdata.v2.decorator Not changed
SpringData V2 driver com.github.cloudyrock.mongock.driver.mongodb.springdata.v2 io.mongock.driver.mongodb.springdata.v2
SpringData V3 driver com.github.cloudyrock.mongock.driver.mongodb.springdata.v3.decorator Not changed
SpringData V2 driver com.github.cloudyrock.mongock.driver.mongodb.springdata.v3 io.mongock.driver.mongodb.springdata.v3

# Mongock classes

Module Version 4 Version 5
Spring runner com.github.cloudyrock.spring.v5.MongockSpring5 io.mongock.runner.springboot.MongockSpringboot
Spring runner com.github.cloudyrock.spring.v5.MongockSpring5.MongockApplicationRunner io.mongock.runner.springboot.base.MongockApplicationRunner
Spring runner com.github.cloudyrock.spring.v5.MongockSpring5.MongockInitializingBeanRunner io.mongock.runner.springboot.base.MongockInitializingBeanRunner

# Deprecations

# ChangeLogs/ChangeSets

From Mongock version 5, @ChangeLog and @ChangeSet annotations are deprecated and shouldn't be used. However, these won't be removed for backwards compatibility.

Please follow one of the recommended approaches depending on your use case:

- For existing changeLogs created prior version 5: Leave it untouched, keeping the deprecated annotation.

- For new migrations from version 5: Use the new @ChangeUnit annotation instead.

Please visit the ChangeLog - version 4 section to access the ChangeLog documentation for Version 4.

For more information about the reason we have adopted this change, please visit our FAQ section.

# MongockTemplate

From version 5, the class MongockTemplateis deprecated, but it will always remain in code for backwards compatibility. We recommend leaving old changeLogs untouched (using with the deprecated MongockTemplate), but use Spring MongoTemplate for new changeLogs.

This class won't be maintained from this version on, meaning this that, regardless of the spring data version imported in the project, and although it will be still compatible(won't produce any compilation or runtime errors due to incompatibilities), MongockTemplate won't provide support to any new method in the MongoTemplate's API after the version spring-data-mongodb:4.2.3.