Command Line Interface (CLI)

# Introduction

So far we have explained how to run Mongock as part of your application, normally at the application's startup stage. This section explains how to run those migrations, and other operations, independently from the CLI.

# Steps

# 1. Install CLI

  1. Download the latest version of the from Maven Central.
  2. Unzip it.
  3. Open a terminal and locate it inside the unzipped folder.
  4. Run the one of the operations available in opreations page.

# 2. Prepare your application

# With Springboot

If using Springboot in the application, there is not much to be done. Springboot creates already an uber jar with all the dependencies in it.

By default the Mongock CLI loads the entire application context. If you want the CLI only to load specific configuration classes that are enough to run the migrations, you can do this annotating your main class with @MongockCliConfiguration.

//The Mongock CLI will load the configuration from the classes
//and io.your.package.ConfigurationClass2.
//Theses classes must contain all the beans and
//configuration needed to run the migration.
@MongockCliConfiguration(sources = {
public class SpringBootSpringDataAnnotationBasicApp{
When using the builder approach(no @EnableMongock), the RunnerBuilder must be injected as a bean in the application context.

# With standalone

When the application uses the Mongock standalone runner, it needs the following to be able to work with the CLI:

@MongockCliConfiguration(sources = Application.MongockBuilderProviderImpl.class)
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//TODO your logic is not executed in the Mongock CLI
public static class MongockBuilderProviderImpl implements MongockBuilderProvider {
public RunnerStandaloneBuilder getBuilder() {
//...calling setter methods
return MongockStandalone.builder()

# Considerations

# appJar parameter

The application uber jar (--appJar or -aj) is one of the mandatory parameters in all the operations(at least those operations interacting with the migration classes, @ChangeUnit and @ChangeLog). The Mongock CLI takes the migration classes, the dependencies and the runner builder from it.

# Mongock version in your application

Mongock CLI requires the application to be upgraded to Mongock version 5.